
" The Greatest Engineer's Of All Time "


" Thee Greatest Engineer's Of All Time "

National Instruments decided to respect the National Engineers Week by an attempt to this honorable list.

10. Roy Hinkley:

                   This is the professor from the Gilligan’s Island, a comic sitcom that was on TV for 3 years between 1964 and 1967. The professor became famous for his creativity and ability to create and fix almost everything. “Almost” means everything except the ship that wrecked and left them on the island. Professor Hinkley was suggested for first by user nicknamed @FlyBucket.

9. Mark Zuckerberg:

                               Is it necessary to mention that this is the father of Facebook? His web “creature” has changed the internet and became the first real opponent of Google. The suggestion for him came from Sam D on Facebook.

8. The Men of the Manhattan Project:

                                                      This is the public name of the project responsible for the development of the atomic bomb. “The guys that actually figured out the atomic bomb are generally referred to as scientists,” noted PigSlam on Reddit. “But what they did was take a very abstract theory and create a functional device from it, which seems a lot like engineering to me.” 

7. Archimedes:

                                 This man is an ancient scientist. Yes, we can’t call him separately a mathematician, engineer, physicist, astronomer or inventor, because he was a collective image for all of these scientist types

6. Clarence “Kelly” Johnson:

                             This man is designing airplanes from his early childhood and won his first award for this at the age of 13. Later he started working for Lockheed and his most famous aircraft is the U2 recon airplane. His motto is “Keep it simple, stupid.” Kelly Johnson was proposed by Inigo93. 

5. William Thompson:

                                           First Lord Kelvin. Mathematician, physicist and also inventor, he discovered the “absolute zero” and he also improved the compass. The proposal for him came from Implicit_none via Twitter: “Up until his time, engineers were basically tradesmen– skilled craftsmen, [without] any scientific knowledge at all… Physics was still generally called “Natural Philosophy.” 

4. Leonardo da Vinci:

                                      Although he is most famous as an artist, his works regarding human anatomy and engineering make him a scientific pioneer for his time. He was proposed by many users on Facebook, Reddit and Twitter. 

3. Nikola Tesla:

                                  The Serbian engineer became famous for his works in the field of electricity. Dyson201 said: “From polyphase power transmission to wireless signaling, Tesla was truly a master of electricity. He understood exactly what it was and exactly what it could do, and he produced fantastic ideas and inventions from this mastery.” But there are many people who dislike the image of Tesla: “Being an engineer is more than just inventing stuff,” said JustStopDude on Reddit. “There is no point in having great ideas if you can’t get them utilized. That takes communication, project management, and business skill. Tesla was his own worst enemy.”

2. Anthony “Tony” Stark:

                                Yes, that’s – the developer of the Iron Man suit. Although not a real person, this movie character makes a lot of children passionate about the engineering science. “Without [Tony Stark], I couldn’t dream big as an engineer myself,” said Sam Djanani on Facebook. 

1. William Shockley:

                              This is the man who played a significant role into the invention of the transistor. As Derphurr stated, “[Shockley’s] contribution to the development of transistors, which led to the explosion of technology and Silicon Valley, and also led to NSA monitoring everything you do or say online” led him to the first place of this chart. 

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